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Latest news from Packaging Innovations & Empack

Amazon’s sustainable packaging revolution: paper replaces plastic

Reducing waste with recyclable solutions in North American deliveries.

Amazon has taken a significant step towards sustainability by announcing the replacement of 95% of its plastic air pillows used in North American delivery packaging with paper filler. This initiative is part of Amazon’s broader commitment to reduce plastic waste and prioritise recyclable materials in its operations. By the end of the year, Amazon plans to completely phase out plastic air pillows, a move expected to prevent nearly 15 billion plastic pillows annually from entering the waste stream.

The transition to paper filler was carefully planned and executed in collaboration with suppliers across Amazon’s fulfilment centres. The paper filler is sourced from 100% recycled content, ensuring it meets Amazon’s rigorous standards for environmental responsibility. Tests conducted by Amazon and third-party engineering labs have confirmed that the paper filler provides equivalent, if not better, protection for products during shipping compared to plastic air pillows. Importantly, the paper filler is designed to be recyclable at kerbside, aligning with Amazon’s goal to facilitate easier recycling for customers.

Pat Lindner, Vice President of Mechatronics and Sustainable Packaging at Amazon, expressed pride in the company’s efforts to enhance the customer delivery experience while reducing environmental impact: “I’m proud of the cross-Amazon collaboration to make a positive impact on the customer delivery experience with easier to recycle materials. It’s a great example of how we thoughtfully test and scale new solutions to protect our customer experience.”

Employees at Amazon’s fulfilment centres have also welcomed the transition to paper filler, noting improvements in packing efficiency and space utilisation. Christian Garcia, a fulfilment Associate at the BFL1 fulfilment centre in Bakersfield, California, shared his enthusiasm: “I’m so excited we’re changing over to paper. It’s not only easier to work with, but the machinery gives us more space so it’s easier to pack orders. And I’m proud to be a part of a change that allows customers to recycle at home.”

Amazon’s efforts extend beyond North America, with initiatives like the Ships in Product Packaging programme, which aims to reduce the need for additional packaging in shipments globally. This commitment underscores Amazon’s ongoing dedication to sustainable practices and innovation in packaging solutions across its operations.

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Latest news from Packaging Innovations & Empack

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