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Consumer shift – Embracing carton packaging for sustainable home and personal care products

Survey reveals growing preference for eco-friendly cartons among UK and German shoppers

Consumer shift – Embracing carton packaging for sustainable home and personal care products

Research findings indicate that a significant portion of consumers in the UK and Germany exhibit a positive attitude towards purchasing various home and personal care items housed in paperboard cartons. Commissioned by Elopak and conducted by Absolute Research, a survey unveiled that the majority of respondents expressed contentment with acquiring products such as laundry detergent, fabric softener, and hand soap packaged in cartons.

The study, conducted online in December 2023 and encompassing 1,025 adults equally divided between the UK and Germany, revealed compelling statistics. Notably, 65% of participants affirmed their willingness to purchase fabric softener, 59% for laundry detergent, and liquid floor cleaner, all packaged in cartons. Moreover, when considering cartons as refill packs, consumer enthusiasm remained robust, with 64% endorsing fabric softener, 61% for detergent, and 59% for floor cleaner.

Furthermore, 57% of respondents expressed openness to procuring hand soap, surface cleaner, bubble bath, or washing-up liquid in carton refill packs. These packs allow consumers to replenish plastic or glass bottles at home, eliminating the need to transport containers to supermarkets.

Martin Shaw, Elopak’s Market Unit Manager for UK & Ireland, hailed the findings as promising for Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) companies. He emphasised the environmental advantages of cartons, citing their smaller carbon footprint compared to plastic bottles. Astrid Näscher, Elopak’s Marketing Director for Europe North, echoed Shaw’s sentiments, highlighting cartons’ recyclability, convenience, and reduced greenhouse gas emissions.

The study also shed light on consumer preferences regarding refillable packaging. It revealed a preference for pre-filled refill packs over in-store refills, driven by factors like convenience, cleanliness, and cost-effectiveness. Moreover, a vast majority of respondents emphasised the importance of reducing plastic usage and ensuring recyclability in refillable packaging.

With a growing portfolio in non-food product packaging, including household and personal care items, Elopak continues to champion environmentally friendly solutions, exemplified by its D-PAK™ cartons. These efforts align with consumer sentiments towards sustainability and convenience, as evidenced by the survey results.

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Consumer shift – Embracing carton packaging for sustainable home and personal care products

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