Join K, on his fantastical journey to find out real challenges faced by us all in the quest to Net Zero and a more sustainable future. Gain insights into the challenges and need for granular – and live data for the quest to improve our personal and packaging Carbon Footprints.
What is required to be on a journey to carbon net zero?
Join K on a 40-minute journey to net zero taking into account –
-Why is K on a journey?
-What are the benefits of packaging?
-Do different packaging materials have limitations?
-How does the circular economy work?
-What is meant by the end of life?
-What are the likely requirements of governments, businesses, and consumers?
-What watch outs regarding greenwashing, green hushing, & green wishing might there be?
-When not to use averages?
-When to use carbon offsetting?
-What is CO2e?
-Who developed CO2e?
-How to save money and CO2e in packaging?
-How to get started and use life cycle assessment?